age 0.5.1

[BETA] A simple, secure, and modern encryption library.

age Rust library

age is a simple, modern, and secure file encryption library. It features small explicit keys, no config options, and UNIX-style composability.

This crate provides a set of Rust APIs that can be used to build more complex tools based on the age format. The primary consumers of these APIs are the rage CLI tools, which provide straightforward encryption and decryption of files or streams (e.g. in shell scripts), as well as additional features such as mounting an encrypted archive.

The format specification is at To discuss the spec or other age related topics, please email the mailing list at age was designed by @Benjojo12 and @FiloSottile.

The reference interoperable Golang implementation is available at


Add this line to your Cargo.toml:

age = "0.5"

See the documentation for examples.

Feature flags

  • armor enables the age::armor module, which provides support for ASCII-armored age files.

  • async enables asynchronous APIs for encryption and decryption.

  • cli-common enables common helper functions for building age CLI tools.

  • ssh enables the age::ssh module, which allows for reusing existing SSH key files for age encryption.

  • unstable enables in-development functionality. Anything behind this feature flag has no stability or interoperability guarantees.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.